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How Can I Prevent Periodontitis?

Discover how periodontal disease impacts both oral and overall physical health as our dentists in Kanata define periodontitis and provide prevention tips.

What is periodontitis (gum disease)?

Periodontitis, also known as gum disease, is a condition that slowly affects your gums. It starts off without causing much pain in its early stage called gingivitis, so it can progress quite a bit before you notice any issues. 

Plaque builds up on your teeth and along the gum line, and it hardens into a rough, porous substance called tartar or calculus. This creates pockets between your teeth and irritated gums, where bacteria gather. These bacteria can lead to other health problems like cardiovascular disease. Once tartar forms, only a dentist can remove it using specialized tools. 

As periodontitis advances, it can damage the bone structure and gums, eventually leading to tooth loss. In fact, gum disease is one of the main reasons why adults lose their teeth.

That's why it's important to prevent plaque buildup by following a thorough daily oral hygiene routine of brushing and flossing, and by regularly visiting the dentist for cleanings. Taking these steps will help you maintain good oral health.

How can I prevent periodontitis?

Discover these lesser-known tips to prevent gum disease or lower your chances of developing it. Consider:

Take inventory of your medications.  Some medications like antidepressants, heart medicines, and oral contraceptives can worsen and increase the risk of gum disease.

Increase your consumption of vitamins A and C, Include nutrient-rich foods in your diet to prevent periodontitis, a condition that affects oral health. Additionally, avoid consuming sugary and starchy foods, as they promote plaque formation.

Have dental issues treated quickly? Fix dental issues like teeth grinding, misaligned teeth, or crowded teeth. When teeth aren't spaced correctly, cleaning them becomes harder, which allows plaque to grow and cause problems.

Gently massage your gums.  To maintain healthy gums, it's important to brush and floss regularly. Aim for at least two minutes of brushing twice a day, and make sure to floss thoroughly once a day. Additionally, give your gums some extra care by gently massaging them. This simple act helps increase blood flow to the gum tissue, promoting overall gum health.

Use fluoride toothpaste. Introducing a crucial ingredient that effectively eliminates plaque bacteria along the gum line, gently caring for your gums without causing irritation.

Quit smoking.  Smoking is strongly linked to gum disease development and hinders gum healing by weakening the immune system.

Know your risks.  Understanding the role of genetics, diet, age, smoking, and other factors in increasing your vulnerability to periodontitis is crucial. By gaining knowledge about these aspects, you empower yourself to minimize the risks and maintain good oral health.

Bonus: Ask your dentist about periodontal disease treatment. Early detection of periodontitis by your dentist is crucial for effective treatment. Treating gum disease in its initial stages is simpler and more manageable compared to advanced stages where tooth loss and jaw bone damage become likely. Treatment options, both surgical and non-surgical, vary based on the disease's progression and severity.

Regular oral hygiene. Taking steps to reduce your risk factors can greatly help in preventing gum disease. Remember, our gums are just as crucial as our teeth for maintaining oral health, so it's vital to give them the attention they deserve.

Are you experiencing pain or bleeding in your gums? Contact our Kanata dentists to book an appointment today.

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